maandag 14 november 2011

A piece of art in my neighbourhood...

This is a painting in my house. It's made by Ad Verstijnen, he had an exhibition in Nijmegen. First Ad made very serious paintings, but when he saw the drawings of his grand-children he made paintings like this one and they became very succesfull! On the painting you can see two 'girls'. The girls play with hoops. My parents bought this when I was arround 1 year old and my brother was almost born. My mother says when we get a boy, the right person on the painting is a boy that is dressed to represent a girl. And when we get a girl the right child is a girl. In my eyes it always were two girls. I choose this piece of art because I grew up with this painting; I saw it my whole life! and when I was little I loved this painting because it was so colourfull and cheerfull. But when I'm older I think that I don't buy a painting like this one. But... I always became happy when I see this painting!!