woensdag 3 oktober 2012

Introduce yourself

Our first assignment in this new schoolyear, was to make a drawing which 'introduces yourself'.
In this drawing you had to draw a square of around 20 by 20 cm. In the square you had to draw:
a part of your bedroom, something which represents your hobby, your name (in a special way), a protret of yourself and something of your own choice.
You also had to draw something out of your schoolbag, from wich other people out of your class would regognise it's yours.

For my drawing I got an 8,3 and I think thats a really nice mark for it! We also had to colour it in a special way. The thing I love the most is the background.

vrijdag 15 juni 2012

City in 2 point perspective

For my last assignment, I had to draw a detailed city blok in two point perspective. Because I was ill, I missed two lessons so my drawing wasn't finished. What I have drown is nice, but if it was finished I think it would have been much better. Furtunately I had a 7,5! I made a picture of my drawing, but you can hardly see the pencil lines so I didn't put it in.

woensdag 2 mei 2012

Painting of a landscape

For art we had to paint a landscape. I got a 7 for it. I think I maybe could get a little bit higher mark for it, but I also understand why I haven't: The switch of the colours in the sky is not so nice. That's because I painted the sky in two different lessons so I couldn't get the same colours again.

I also don't really like the colour of the mountains in the front. But I do like the foggy mountains in the back.

maandag 9 april 2012

Painting of a sandwich

<------- This is my painting of a sandwich (tower). Before I got my mark I thought it would be insufficient, because I wasn't finished at all! But I got a 7 for it and I agree with that. My teacher said: "You get a mark for what you have done".

I like the colours of the tomatoes and the cucumbers. But the colour of the bread is not really what I wanted it to be.

It was a funny assignment! (:

zondag 25 maart 2012

Colour theory

Johannes Itten was born on 11 November in 1888, in Süden-Lindern in Switzerland. He went to the theacher-training institude in Bern, to bacame a primary-school theacher. Later on he also got a diploma to theach at secondary schools. But Itten bacame a painter. In 1913 Johannes Itten was a student from Adolf Hölzel. And between 1919 and 1922 Itten was teaching at the Bauhaus in Weimar. He even founded his own art school in 1926. Johannes became director of a museum, a school, won prizes and wrote books about colour theorie. After a life of hard-working and succes, he died in 1967.

As you can see in the picture there are three primary colours: blue, yellow and red.With that colours you can make the secondary colours: green (yellow + blue), orange (yellow + red) and violet (blue + red). And if you mix the primary and secondary colours you get the tertairy colours.

When you add white to a colour it's called a tint. If you add black to it it's called a shade. Each colour of the colour wheel also has its opposite colour: complementary colour. E.g. red and green, yellow and purple, blue and orange. You can see them in the flowers in the middle of my colour mixing sheet:

I got an 7.5 for it, I think that's such a high mark for it, because I didn't finished all of it. And some colours aren't really what I wanted them too be. For example: you can't really see the difference between orange and orange yellow. That's also because when the paint dry's it changes a little bit in colour. 
But I'm happy with my mark!

maandag 30 januari 2012

Banknote Assignment

We had to draw a banknote with lots of patterns in it. This is mine. You can see I drew the earth and a lot of flags. I did that because it's a banknote of the whole world. The name of my banknote is CONNECT, I chose that name because it's connecting al the countries in the world. My mark was an 8! I think that is a good mark for it. When I had to hand it in, the inkt was wet so I couldn't erase the pencil lines.