woensdag 19 februari 2014

dinsdag 14 januari 2014

Foto Collage

As the second assignment of our series of lessons 'who am I?', we had to make a foto collage that reflected ourselves. The pictures used in the collage had to represent or symbolize your personality, talents, tastes and moods. The purpose was to make a self-portrait without even including your face or body.

My pictures formed a collage on a background that spelled out LOVE. At first I wanted to spell out LIFE instead, but the shape of the letters did not really fit. Anyway, I had chosen to let each letter (except for the L) symbolise a part of my life. The pictures on the O symbolise my passion for travelling and cultures. It shows that I want to see the world. And that I want to see it all, for the busy big cities up until the quiet beaches. The next letter, V, represents the love I have for my friends and family. It also shows my love for music and movies. I play the guitar and really like to listen to music. It shows me when I just want to stay inside, covered with a blanket watching movies or listening to music, surrounded by the ones I love. Finally the last letter E, shows   how much I like sporting. Currently, I play tennis, but I enjoy running and other sports as well. It represents the side of me when I am motivated, happy and full of energy. The pictures also show that I really love fruits. 

The mark I got was a 7,8. That mark is okay, but to be really honest I was a bit disappointed with it. Namely, I had put a lot of effort in making the collage and searching all of the pictures. And it was one of the only assignments I thought of as to be really finished. Personally I really like it, it looks like a busy, happy thing full of fun and most importantly it shows me. To me it was worth an 8. Anyway, here is a picture, so form your own opinion!
(It's a little bit destroyed after I cycled home ;) )

zaterdag 9 november 2013

Van Gogh-Style Self-portrait

This is the start of our lessons about self refection. We had to make two self-portraits by using Van Gogh brushwork and colour. These self-portraits had to show two different sides or moods of yourself. I've chosen to show my silent, confused, lonely side (above) and my energy-full, inspired, loving side (below).
I first drew a silhouete of myself. After that  I painted the background, with a very grove brush. The clothes and hair followed. I've chosen to paint them with a very thin brush. For the assignment it was important that you can see of which colours the painting consists. You had to include the shadows as well. I got an eight for this assignment, which I guess is a good mark for it. :)

Here some detailed pictures:
Shadows on my skin
Grove stripes in the background

Close-up of the eye

Detailed structure of the clothes

woensdag 19 juni 2013

Cathedral Project

For one of my last projects of this schoolyear, we had to make groups and design a gothic cathedral. I was in a group of four, togheter with Thomas, Teun and Karleen. Our gothic cathedral is designed in a French gothic style. Features which can be seen as well in our designs, are the three portals, the rose window and the two main towers on the west façade. Beside this a lot of other things from the gothic style, such as pointed arches, ribbed vaults and the Flying Buttress can be seen.
We made a large map, with topics of our design. Everyone did a few things of this, so we worked as a group. Though Thomas and I probably did a bit more than the others. I have designed the front and back side of the map, put all the things togheter and designed the decorations.
Personally, I really like the map. I put a lot of effort in it, and I am happy with the result. That's why I think the mark we got, a nine, was really worth it.

Have a nice holiday!

Front side, Chapter House

Ground Plans

West Façade and Decorations

Interior, Construction,
Furniture and Materials

Back side